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Capital Campaign

Estonian Arts Centre
the charity associated with KESKUS

Become a donor today!


Consider adding your name to the growing list of those who have already stepped forward to help bring the vision of KESKUS to reality. Leadership gifts can be paid over time and tax receipts will be issued for all contributions, donations from Canada, U.S. and Estonia.

Click through to donate now:  from where are you contributing?


To make a leadership gift, a gift of securities, a pledge for payment over time or for other ways to give, such as e-transfers, call +1.647.250.7136 or write to

Honorary Chair of the Capital Campaign


“The new International Estonian Centre will inspire and be a source of pride for Estonia’s largest diaspora community, and a home away from home for those with Estonian roots across North America and beyond.” 


Toomas Hendrik  Ilves 

President of the Republic of Estonia (2006–2016)


Watch his message of support here.


Kalevipoja Laud - CDN$100,000 and above

Co-chairs Andy Prozes and Mihkel Liik

Donors of $100,000 and above are members of “Kalevipoja Laud”, and can designate a physical space in KESKUS with their name or dedication, as well as inclusion on the Capital Campaign donor recognition display.  Donations may be made as a family gift, or in tribute to or in memory of an individual or family.

“We want to build on the strong foundation laid by our parents. Now it is our turn to support the future.” 


Thomas and Kristiina Heinsoo, KESKUS Kalevipoja Laud Donors


KESKUS International Estonian Centre thanks donors whose leadership helps create a KESKUS for generations to come:

Tõnu & Anne Altosaar and Family (Read Profile)

Baltimore Estonian Community (Read Profile)

Hamilton Esimene Eesti Evangeelne Luteriusu Kirik (Read Profile)

Thomas & Kristiina Heinsoo (Read Profile)

Allan & Riina Hess  (Read Profile)

Pille & Gerhard Hess

Mihkel & Kati Holmberg 

Siim Holmberg

Jaako Family

Lembit Jänes 

Epp K. Jürima-Sonin (Read Profile)

David & Kristina Kalm and John & Anette Kalm (Read Profile)

A.M. & V.S. Kaunismaa Family  (Read Profile)

Erik & Sandra Küttis (Read Profile)

In honour of Hilda & Nicholas Küttis (Read Profile)

Glen & Outi Leis (Read Profile)

​Mihkel Liik & Leslie Cairns & Maret Liik

​Jüri Otsason & Bernadine Morris (Read Profile)

Ernst Õunpuu

Endel Palla ja Viivi Palla (Read Profile)

Andrew Prozes 

Raivo & Anne-Mari Remmel (Read Profile)

​Ants & Inga Toi (Read Profile)

Torokvei Family 

Epp Tsirk

Ken Valvur

Wesik Family 

Simon Wookey  (Read Profile)

The Estate of Aimi Lehte Zechanowitsch

Anonymous (3) (Read Profile)

Kalevipoja Laud naming opportunities are in allocation, and

in chronological order of gift, all in CDN$


The Centre 

Grand Hall 

Main Foyer           

The Annex/heritage house  

North Wing Upper Gallery 

South Wing Upper Gallery  

Rooftop Garden   


Boardroom  / Music Room   

The Promenade 

Professional Kitchen  

Signature Staircase (South Wing) 


Cocktail Lobby (2nd Floor)  

Learning Lobby (3rd Floor)

Garden Lobby (Rooftop)   

Elevator Stairway      


Community Room

Classrooms (some available)   

Indoor Seating Alcove (some available)          

Outdoor Seating Areas  (some available)                  

Outdoor Seating Alcove  (some available)
























Koidula gild - CDN$50,000 to $99,999​

Donors of $50,000 - $99,999

are members of “Koidula gild” and leadership donors on the Capital Campaign donor recognition display. Donations can made as a family gift, or in tribute to or in memory of an individual or family.

"KESKUS will be a perfect meeting place for Estonians, and their friends as well."


Tiina & Jaan Timusk

KESKUS Koidula gild donors

Jaan and Tiina_edited_edited.jpg

Tiina and Jaan Timusk

KESKUS International Estonian Centre thanks donors whose leadership helps create a KESKUS for generations to come:

Enno & Anne Agur

Estonian Central Council in Canada (Read profile)

Alar & Theresa Kongats

Lea Kõiv (Read profile)

Tiina & Jaan Timusk (Read profile)

Tiiu & Peeter Tõnisson

Ellen Valter


Viru vanemad - CDN$10,000 to $49,999

Co-chairs Allan & Riina Hess

Donors of $10,000 - $49,999

are members of “Viru vanemad” and leadership donors on the Capital Campaign donor recognition display. Donations can made as a family gift, or in tribute to or in memory of an individual or family.

"KESKUS means a sustainable and relevant way for our children, and someday their children, to remain connected with all things Estonian."


Liisa and John Käärid

KESKUS Viru vanemad donors


Mari, Kiira, John, Andrus, Liisa, Kaija and Juhan Käärid

KESKUS International Estonian Centre thanks donors whose leadership helps create a KESKUS for generations to come:

Tiiu and Arno Agur and Family

Kristi Vuht Allpere and Aadu Allpere

In memory of Valve and Rein Andre

Erika Andreas 

Alliki Arro

Margus Aruja and Susan Chapman and Family (Read Profile)

Marta Kivik and Tiina Timusk in memory of Virve and Lembit Avesson

Anne Jensen Baldwin & Thomas Baldwin

William Napier Covert and Kersti Vontso Covert

Helve Hess Barnett & Ryan Barnett  (Read Profile)

Robert & Lilian Baxter 

Ingrid & Andrew Callum 

Toomas Eichenbaum 

Peeter & Svea Einola 

Silvia Ernesaks

Tiina Järver & Andrus Ers

Ester Family 

Tiina & Agu Ets (Read Profile)
Kaia and Patrick Farmer in memory of Laine and Oskar Kirsivali

Lembi & Vinay Fernandes

The Genua Family in memory of J. Erich and Irene Ilmas

Glenn & Pille Gold 

Mary and Arthur Heinmaa (Read Profile)

Monica Siig Heron

Leila Hess

Lia & Erik Hess

Reet Hess & Dylan Kelly 

Talvi Hess & Mati Pajo 

Tiiu Hess  & Tim Ararat

In memory of Meinhard & Vaike Holmberg

Kadi Käis in memory of Juhan and Liina Käis

Merike Kalm in memory of Eva H Kalm (Read Profile)​

Arvo & Nadia Klaas (In memoriam)

In memory of Augustin and Leonida Nurmsoo

Hans & Leili Kukk

Elo Kuutan & Gabor Vajay

Marlene (nee Tipman) & Kalev Kuutan 

Marta Kivik

Rein Kuris in honour of Eino & Õie Kuris 

Elgi, Cindy & Villi and Mark Käärid

In memory of Ida & Eduard Kütti and Helmi & August Mägi

Ellen & Asko Kütti

Rita, Toomas, Eva and Mihkel Kütti

John & Liisa Käärid (Read Profile)

Evald & Zinaida Laager (Mälestuseks)

Tõnis & Kadri-Ann Laar 

Reet Lambur

In Memory of Abel & Eva Lee

Anne Leius

Lillakas & Põldma Family in memory of Meinhard & Selma Põldma (Read Profile)

Anne, Koit, Miku and Sven Linkruus

Aino Lokk

Käbi Lokk & Robert Spokowski 

Luksep Family

Maiki and Mart Lupp and Family

Gary & Lisa Maavara 

Allan & Alison Magi

Katrin Marley (Read Profile)

Reet & Jaanus Marley 

Toomas Marley

Peeter Märtin in memory of Raimo Toiviainen

McConnon Family in memory of Endel & Aino Ott 

In memory of Edgar & Renate Marten (Read Profile)

Arvo ja Reet Medri

Anne Meema

Peeter Mehisto

Zoë & Endel Mell 

Jaan Meri & Ana Tampõld 

Toomas & Eha Merilo

Urve Mundi

Eha and Don Naylor (Read Profile)

Ivar Nippak & Family

Valdeko & Eevi Novek 

In memory of Kalju & Tiiu Ojala

Ristitütred Lilian Olljum ja Christine Lepik Robertson

Reet Oolup 

Martin and Tiina Otema

In memory of Virve Võhni Otsa & Karl Otsa

Piret & Veljo Otsason

In memory of Rein Dylan Otsason

Mati, Silvi, Mikk & Kai Otsmaa

Eddy Õunpuu & Lori Charko

Rein & Maret Pajo (Read Profile)

In Memory of Heino Paomees

Parming Family in memory of Tönu Parming

Veiko Parming

Michelle & Martin Pede

Viivi Rita Piil & Stan MacLachlan

Alar Prost & Lena Kõiv

Ilo & Mall Puhm

Arne & Kersti Randsalu 

Epp & Toivo Raun

Helle-Mai Reece in honour of Helju Salumets & Helgi Sooaru

Anne Remmel (Read Profile)

Heino & Erna Remmel (Mälestuseks)

Merike Remmel & Eric Jakobson (Read Profile)

Tarmo, Tiiu & Kalli Remmel 

Tiit Romet 

Ingrid L Roosild & Kaili L Roosild (Read Profile)

Rotalia Foundation

Eric Ruppert

Mark Saar

In memory of Lembit & Iris Saar

Erik Silmberg

Alar Soever

Suurallik Family in memory of Alfons and Hermine Suurallik

Dr. Alan Henry Tallmeister and Mrs. Carmelina Tallmeister

Urve Tamberg 

Jüri Tint

Peter Toi & Kristi Toi Greco

Tork, Hiis, Hansson Families

Olev Träss

Robert & Leila Trei

Jaak Treiman

Evi Vahtra

Lilly Valge-Kastelic & Family, in honour of Marie & Nikolai Valge Jr. (Past president of Eesti Maja)

Maris-Ann & Thomas Vanaselja

Eva Varangu

Henrik & Jackie Vasila

Paul-Erik Veel & Krista Käis-Prial (Read Profile)

Thomas Ventser

The Viitre Family

Korporatsioon Vironia - Toronto koondis

Marje Koidu Virro

The Voore Family in memory of Hedo and Kaljo Voore

Niina and August Wallik

Jüri & Tiiu Wallner

Nora Wallner 

Grant & Kairi West

Wilbiks Family

Anonymous (5)

Kungla Rahvas - CDN$100 to $9,999

All Donors of $100 - $9,999 will be recognized as members of Kungla Rahvas and listed in the commemorative program to be produced for the opening of KESKUS International Estonian Centre. Donations can made in honour of a family gift, or in tribute to or in memory of an individual or family.


The Kungla Rahvas launched with "Tere, KESKUS" and donor names will be updated and posted here from time to time - all donations are gratefully received !

Join the Growing List of Leadership Donors!


​To pay tribute to your roots and make a lasting difference in shaping the future of the Estonian community, please contact  If you wish to make an anonymous gift, special accommodations are in place to respect your wishes.


Don’t miss out on tax-efficient ways of making donations!

If you own shares of publicly traded securities that have grown in value, your gift may not cost you as much as you think! Get a charitable tax receipt for the full market value of the shares and reduce or zero out capital gains, by donating them directly to the Estonian Arts Centre, the charity associated with KESKUS or, in the US via Myriad USA.  Please call +1.647.250.7136 to discuss.


If you’re thinking of making a gift, please remember:

  • Charitable tax receipts will be issued for all Canadian, Estonian and U.S. contributions

  • Gifts may be paid by instalments over time

  • Dedicated naming opportunities are available for gifts of $100,000 and above

  • Donations of securities and other tax-efficient giving can greatly reduce the cost of making a gift.



Privacy Policy

Estonian Arts Centre is committed to protecting the privacy of our donors. We value our donors' trust and recognize that maintaining this trust requires that we be open and accountable in our treatment of the personal information that you choose to share with us.


EAC collects, uses and discloses personal information in accordance with the EAC Privacy Policy, which can be found here.


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