Update # 235
EBS thanks Toronto community with support for KESKUS
Estonian Business School (EBS) and the Toronto area Estonian community reinforce their ties 35 years later, with EBS becoming one of the latest Viru Vanemad donors to the KESKUS project.
Indeed, more than 35 years ago, on May 15, 1989, the first cohort of EBS students arrived in Toronto – they were mid-level business people who had their first practical and theoretical exposure to capitalism through a York University program created just for them. To facilitate this, the Toronto area Estonian community raised more than a quarter of a million dollars to support the students and their studies.
EBS quickly flourished from this first foray and is now offers post-secondary studies through to the doctorate level with international faculty.
In May of 2024, these same alumni from 35 years ago gathered at EBS in Tallinn to reflect on those early years, and to learn how the Toronto Estonian community has evolved since, about the KESKUS project and how it will serve the next generations.
Chancellor Mart Habakuk welcomed the gathering and reflected on those first years of EBS when his father, Madis Habakuk, together with Professors Rein Peterson (Canada) and Marshall Fitzgerald (USA) and businessperson Ilmar Martens (Canada), envisioned how EBS could get off the ground.
Chancellor Habakuk encouraged all those present to dig deep to now support the KESKUS project. KESKUS International Estonian Centre is the Estonian diaspora's project of the century, reinforcing business and trade, and strengthening Estonia's security.
President Toomas Hendrik Ilves, Honorary Chair of the KESKUS capital campaign spoke to the vital importance KESKUS in a video address.

Are Veski, one of those for whom the summer of 1989 in Toronto was a turning point in his life, recalled that "unforgettable summer" 35 years ago.
"We were warmly received, welcomed into the homes and on weekends to the cottages of the Estonians in Toronto, I felt I was given a glimpse into how Estonia functioned in the inter-war period," Ave said.
"I remember thinking to myself at the time that I eagerly awaited the day when Estonia would shift from an aid-receiving country into an aid-giving country. Fortunately that came to pass over a decade ago. It is time for all of us to give back."
Andres Pärloja, Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Estonian real estate developer Hepsor AS, explained the reasons why Hepsor has become a Kalevipoja Laud level donor to KESKUS. Andres spoke both from a broader perspective, how important a healthy and strong global Estonian identity is for the sake of Estonian security, and that KESKUS represents an important frontiers for this.
He continued, that from a more specific perspective, Estonian communities abroad have helped Hepsor's international initiatives. "When starting up in a new country, you need someone to provide you with a lawyer contact, with a CPA contact for example, and Estonians abroad have been those conduits. For us, KESKUS represents this very connectedness.

“Many thanks to EBS for the generous support and for hosting this vibrant reception,” said KESKUS project lead Ellen Valter, adding, “EBS and its alumni have shown exceptional generosity towards the KESKUS project.”
Ellen further pointed out that Estonians abroad have never undertaken such an ambitious project before, and she encouraged every EBS alumni to donate to the best of their ability. KESKUS can be supported through the Estonian National Culture Foundation by clicking on the “donor” page, where instructions for donating to KESKUS can be found, and every donation gets a tax receipt.
KESKUS will open in about a year's time and all are encouraged to sign up for the monthly KESKUS newsletter here, to be sure to know when to book their flights to Toronto for the opening!
Help get KESKUS across the finish line!
Please join the growing list of KESKUS capital campaign donors to help bring KESKUS to completion. KESKUS leadership donors are recognized here.
There are many ways to make a contribution to KESKUS.
To donate, click here, or call +1.647.250.7136 or email donations@estoniancentre.ca. Donations may be made as a family gift, or in honour of an individual or family. All donations are issued a tax receipt, in Canada via Estonian Arts Centre, US tax receipts via Myriad USA and Estonian tax receipts via Eesti Rahvuskultuuri Fond. Donations by credit card may be made here.
Legacy gifts made to the Estonian Arts Centre, the charity associated with KESKUS, are creative and tax-effective ways to provide support. These are known as “planned gifts” because with thoughtful planning, we create a win-win situation that benefits both you and our community for generations to come. Find out how to provide a bequest in your will by going to www.estoniancentre.ca/bequest.
For information on making other types of planned gifts, including gifts of appreciated securities or insurance policies, or if you have any other questions, please contact EAC Donations Manager Taimi Hooper via email at donations@estoniancentre.ca or phone +1.647.250.7136.
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