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New Digital Marketing Strategist Hired

Updated: Apr 30, 2021

Updated #91

Emily Baillie and Kristian Puhvel with daughter Lucy


As the International Estonian Centre project continues to grow and take shape in downtown Toronto, a digital marketing strategist has been hired.

Emily Baillie is a digital marketing consultant & professor with 15 years of experience in the marketing industry and, on a part-time basis, Emily will lead the go-to-market planning and execution of a digital communications strategy for the project.

Heili Toome, International Estonian Centre Inc. board chair noted that many excellent and qualified candidates applied for the position. “In Emily is the winning combination of being a seasoned marketing professional with connections to Estonian culture”, said Heili, “Emily brings core competencies, experience, and a fresh perspective to the project. We’re simply delighted that she is joining the team!”

Emily is similarly enthusiastic, saying “I am thrilled to be part of a dynamic team that is working hard to shape the future of the Estonian community here in Toronto, and for Estonians in North America and further afield. This project will elevate all things Estonian to a new level, and I look forward to applying my marketing expertise to help the centre achieve its goals.”

Emily laughs about the seemingly secret club that being Estonian brings with it: “It was an Estonian neighbour of my mother’s who connected me with the posting for this position. Estonians may be small in number, but the tentacles reach far!”

Emily is married to Kristian Puhvel who is a proud Estonian-Canadian from Montreal. Emily has travelled to Estonia and is very impressed with the depth and breadth of the cultural heritage and the digital-first society. Emily and Kristian live in Horseshoe Valley (located one hour north of Toronto) with their young daughter Lucy.

She teaches marketing courses at McMaster University and Humber College. Through her consulting business Compass Content Marketing she has provided content and social media marketing services to a range of clients including MasterCard, Northern Ontario Travel, GlaxoSmithKline, Tourism Toronto and more. She is a member of the Canadian Marketing Association.


Keep in touch with project news

Please mark March 24, 2021 at 1900h ET in your calendar for our next Community Engagement Session, to be held via Zoom, where we’ll have some exciting news to share and provide updates on project progress, we’ll post the details here soon!

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