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Birch saplings thriving, will be enjoyed from KESKUS

Teade/Update #186

Although not quite yet ready for 'kasevihad', the birch saplings planted almost 3 years ago in Paul Martel Park, across the street from the KESKUS site, are thriving. A tree that was unhealthy and slated for removal that had blocked sunlight to the saplings is now gone and the saplings are enjoying the sunshine. /// Kuigi kasevihtade materjali veel ei anna siit võtta, võrsuvad pea 3 aastat tagasi KESKUSe objekti vastas asuvas Paul Martel pargis istutatud kaseistikud jõudsalt. Naabruses suremas puu, mis oli varjanud istikutele päikesevalgust, on nüüd kadunud ja istikud naudivad päikesepaistet.

The saplings are well cared for by the stewards of Paul Martel Park, headed by Paul Richard. On the above photo with Paul on the left, are Aimar Altosaar, journalist for Postimees in Estonia who is vacationing in Ontario, and Ellen Valter, project lead for KESKUS; insert has Veiko Parming and David Kalm, part of the 2020 planting. /// Istikute eest hoolitsevad hästi Paul Martel Parki korrapidajad eesotsas Paul Richardiga. Ülaloleval fotol Pauliga vasakul on Ontarios puhkav Eestis Postimehe ajakirjanik Aimar Altosaar ja KESKUSe projektijuht Ellen Valter; insert on Veiko Parming ja David Kalm, osa 2020. aasta istutusest.

Group of people with shovels  ready to plant saplings
How much has changed in 3 years, 11 Madison now returned to its heritage brick! /// Kuidas vaade on kolme aastaga muutunud, 11 Madison'i kaunis telliskivi taastatud.

Revisit that story from 2020 here. /// Loe kasepuude istutamise kohta 3e aasta eest siin.

KESKUS International Estonian Centre in downtown Toronto will be a dynamic hub showcasing our rich heritage and promoting Estonian innovation. It will be a vibrant gathering place for Estonians of all generations and backgrounds to connect, celebrate, and share our culture and achievements with each other and the world.


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