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KESKUS Visits Estonian Cultural Society of Chicago

Update #101

Estonian Cultural Society of Chicago 2021 AGM


As part of a mission to strengthen connections with Estonian groups worldwide, KESKUS recently attended the Estonian Cultural Society of Chicago 2021 AGM to share greetings and present project news.

Around 40 people gathered in the outskirts of Chicago to review the year’s events, celebrate together and to plan for the future. Liivika Koren, the Society's member of the board, invited Ellen Valter from the KESKUS team to join the meeting in Chicago virtually, to bring the Society members up to speed on the status of the Centre.

Chicago Support for KESKUS

Chicago Estonians were keen to hear about KESKUS progress, says Liivika Koren: "Toronto and Chicago Estonians have worked together, sharing resources for very many years. Toronto is the closest large community of Estonians to us and so we not only visit each other, but when performers or events from Estonia come to one city, we encouraged them to perform in the other city as well. It all works out well and KESKUS will serve to attract a whole new universe of cultural events that will elevate our game in Chicago too!"

After a complicated year of on-again and off-again events, Estonian Cultural Society of Chicago members are looking forward to even greater cross-pollination between the two communities once KESKUS is opened.

"We've been watching KESKUS plans develop and firm up and it is inspiring to see a community so close to us manage to pull off a project of this magnitude!", Liivika noted, "Our members are now keenly discussing how to support KESKUS to make sure that the wonderful cooperation between our communities will flourish even more".

Folk Costume-Making Virtual Workshop

Estonian Cultural Society of Chicago, formed in 2018, organizes cultural activities for the Chicagoland area and beyond. This spring and summer, the Society is offering a virtual Estonian Folk Costume history and crafting course, and all are invited to register and participate. To learn more about this course, please visit the Estonian Cultural Society of Chicago website.

Get involved and help support our future

Please join our growing list of capital campaign donors! The KESKUS International Estonian Centre’s donor categories are Kalevipoja Laud for gifts of $100,000 and above (including naming rights for specific areas), Viru Vanemad for gifts of $10,000 and above, and Kungla Rahvas for gifts under $10,000. The launch of the Kungla Rahvas campaign is slated for June 2021.

To make a donation, please contact Donations may be made as a family gift, or in honour of an individual or family. All Canadian and U.S. donations will be issued a tax receipt.

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