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Phase II of construction underway! KESKUS October 2023 construction update

Updated: Oct 2, 2023

Update / Teade #191

Work continues and now it's above the mud slab on the KESKUS site, with rebar being fitted onto and into the caisson caps. The caissons themselves extend 27m into bedrock. /// Tööd jätkuvad praegu KESKUSe objektil valatud n.ö. poriplaadil, kus on ühendet sarrusevarras kessoonikatetele. Kessonid ise ulatuvad 27 m sügavusele aluskaljusse.

The rebar reinforces the grade beams which, once poured, will form the foundation for the basement level north of the tunnels. The area of the basement is 543.7m2, or 5,850 sq.ft., and will include a community room, storage, meeting rooms, business centre, mechanical space, washrooms and emergency exits. /// Armatuur tugevdab talasid, mis kui täidet betooniga moodustavad tunnelitest põhja pool asuva keldritasandi aluse. Keldrikorruse pindala on 543,7 m2 ehk 5850 ruutjalga ning see hõlmab kogukonnasaali, laoruumi, koosolekuruume, mehaaniliste seadmete pinda, WCd ja avariiväljapääsu.

The forming (wood supports around the rebar cages) will receive the concrete that will be poured for the next few months. Looking ahead, there will be a steady stream of concrete trucks over the coming months as we build to grade, and this is the start of Phase II of construction - read more about the project on the blog. /// Vorm (puittoed ümber armatuuripuuride) saab järgmiseks täidet betooniga. Tulevikku vaadates on järgmistel kuudel pidev betooniautode voog, kui me ehitame ülespoole ning seega algabki ehituse II etapp – lugege projekti kohta lisateavet blogist.

Sincere thanks goes to the Government of Canada through FedDev Ontario for its support of courtyard construction, read more about this generous support here. /// Siiras tänu Kanada valitsusele FedDev Ontario kaudu praeguste ehitustööde toetamise eest. Lisateavet selle helde toetuse kohta lugege siit.

KESKUS International Estonian Centre in downtown Toronto will be a dynamic hub showcasing our rich heritage and promoting Estonian innovation. It will be a vibrant gathering place for Estonians of all generations and backgrounds to connect, celebrate, and share our culture and achievements with each other and the world.

Read more about the project by signing up for the newsletter here. /// Pane end kirja uudiskirja saajaks siin.


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Please join our growing list of capital campaign donors to help bring this extraordinary project to completion. KESKUS leadership donors are recognized here.

To make a donation, please call +1.647.250.7136 or email Donations may be made as a family gift, or in honour of an individual or family. All donations are issued a tax receipt, in Canada via Estonian Arts Centre, US tax receipts via KBFUS and Estonian tax receipts via Eesti Rahvuskultuuri Fond.

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